Sunday, June 24, 2012

nostalgic products

I get nostalgic for tons of things, as they all somehow left my life, and I can't say goodbye to them. Mostly they were products once sold at the supermarket, and such and as time goes by, the products are no longer sold. So sometimes when I watch a movie on tv made in the 1980's or 1970's, they sometimes will show a scene in a grocery store. Sometimes you might get lucky and see a scene of breakfast cereals on display, and you remember them fondly and wished that you can get it again. I saw a movie on tv "Oh God! You Devil." A scene or two at a grocery store brings back memories of the Tic Tac display at the register, as well as a few boxes of cereal.
     Talk about getting nostalgic over breakfast cereals, I saw this live action short movie on a tv show called Callioupe. I don't know what the name of it was, but it's about a little boy in a supermarket who has a big imagination and imagines things happening to the people who work  there. During a scene of him going down the breakfast isles, and seeing all those nostalgic breakfast cereals as they were made back then, the boy sees a guy with acne on his face as he places the price stickers on the product. The boy wonders how that man got those bumps. He invisions that maybe he went up a tree to a beehive to get fresh honey to sell in the store and he got stung.
One of the breakfast cereals the little boy picked off the shelf was "Dringles" freaturing Dr. Dringles. The little boy looked at the box and thought of the animated commercial advertising the product.
      Oh here's another one, "Three Men and a Baby" One of the men goes to get diapers for the baby, and all the diapers there are plastic backed. Talk about nostalgia, but the movie was made in the late 1980's. Sometimes a scene in the movie might take place at a video arcade and you see the classic arcade games all lined up and lit up in all it's glory playing it's music and sounds. Makes you wish you could go there and play those games. Another movie Poltergeist has a scene in the kids bedroom where the original Geoffrey the Giraffe mascot character is scene on his bed sheets, pillow cases. And even in the movie E.T., one of the older kids in the family is wearing a Space Invaders T-shirt. I had one of those, but I always got sunburned as the t-shirt was black, and darket colors absorb heat.

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