I just remembered a few more that I've seen when I was a kid.
In the farm, there was farmer named Farmer Brown, as he played a song on his banjo about all the good and healthy things to eat on the farm. He often had puppet animal friends like a horse that would tell you the foods you need to keep you healthy like Breads, Rice, Cereals, they give you energy. They also had a dog, that talked about the importants of meats in your diet, like meats, fish, baked beans, nuts and peanut butter, which was the dog's favorite thing to eat.
There were a variety of Woodsy the Owl commercials teaching kids to give a hoot and don't pollute, never be dirty bird. They also taught kids how they can help save the planet like planting new trees and such. I do remember the walk around costume of Woodsy and liked it when he went in the park with the kids and went under a tunnel to the other side.
Actor Dick Van Dike I think had appeared in a few commercials that taught the importance of fire safety, and how to get out of a house when it's on fire. I think he also appeared in a commercial to teach kids on not to smoke cigarettes.
A Claymation animated film of a guy, whom eats nothing but junk food and walks around the city, and feels low on energy and such. Suddenly something happens and by magic, he waves his hand, then some stick of candy in his hand chages magically to a carrot and he starts to eat more healthfully.
There was a series of commercials featuring a parrot named Officer bird that taught the kids the importance of safety, and how to be safe in your neighborhood. "That's the word from officer bird, that's his tip for today." Bwark